Wednesday, August 11, 2010

An Open Door - Wisdom from Ricardo

Yesterday was another marked point in the movement of this project. All of the classes were full. the cross-fit which I intended to rest from yesterday was so full of energy I had do join. This in turn carried over to the Fight Club group which I sort of took over. I had intended to have Donn do most of the instruction but I felt the group of new and developing members was so diverse that it was fun just to see the different groups apply the same techniques. The energy level seemed to grow as the training went on and it moved right on into the MMA training. This is the first time I felt that we as a group were all working as a group to develop community, fitness, and martial arts skills.
In the last week we have had a lot of cross-over work being done. Fitness to Fight club to Yoga and I feel that the members are getting a chance to challenge themselves in ways they have never experienced before.
If you have a way to contact people who missed yesterdays workout, let them know what you thought about the day. I know there are several people who were not there yesterday but I do not have a way of contacting them.
We have fighters fighting on Saturday. If you can and if you would like to show your support please ask Dave or Mitch about the time and location of the fights.
I am working on Saturday but I am going to try to make the fights.
Thank all of you for making Fit Club a great place to train and to share achievements in personal development.
A special thanks to those of you who gave your time and efforts to being sparring partners for the fighters.
I hope I was of assistance to you as well.

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