CrossFit 614

CrossFit is constantly varied functional movement executed at a high intensity

Okay so what does that mean? Let's break-it-down:
Constantly varied; variety in exercises, sets, reps, weight, rounds
Functional movement; movements that mimic human movement in every day life
High intensity; how hard and how fast.

CrossFit training conditions the body across 10 areas to achieve complete fitness:
  • Cardiovascular Endurance
  • Stamina
  • Strength
  • Flexibility
  • Power
  • Speed
  • Agility
  • Coordination
  • Balance
  • Accuracy
For more on CrossFit >>

CrossFit Training at Fit Club utilizes the following all mixed together to result in a fitness that prepares you for anything
  • Bodyweight Movements (push-ups, pull-ups, sit-ups...)
  • Gymnastic Movements (ring rows, muscle-ups, handstand...)
  • Olympic Weightlifting (clean, snatch...)
  • Basic Weightlifting (squat, deadlift, press...)
  • Metabolic Conditioning ("cardio") (running, jump rope...)
Each workout, each week of workouts, each month of workouts, is carefully planned to stimulate the greatest possible athletic response over the broadest range of conditions. Workouts are scaled to each individual to ensure an appropriate challenge.

Fit Club CrossFit Program

If you're new to CrossFit training, this is the place to start. The OnRamp Program emphasizes the development and mastery of our basic movements to ensure safe and successful progression as you move on to the full WODs.  

Schedule / Fees
M, W, F, at 6:30pm - new group starts every month  
Group session $150 (one month of OnRamp CrossFit sessions)

OnRamp -One on One-$300
If the group sessions don't fit your schedule we can start you with 10 , 30 minute one on one coaching sessions. All coaching sessions are scheduled at your convenience and require a 24hr cancelation.

Next OnRamp starts October 3, 2011.

A new OnRamp groups start each month;
November 2, 2011  - December 5, 2011  - January 4, 2012

All new FC athletes start in either a group OnRamp class or one on one coaching sessions.


WOD (workout of the day)
The Fit Club WOD is a CrossFit workout. Each WOD starts out with a group warm-up followed by a skill development session, and concludes with a fast-paced workout and a cool-down. Volume, weight and intensity are scaled for each athlete. Quantities (weight, distance, time, reps, etc.) are measured to push athletes and measure progress.

Requirement: Completion of the On Ramp program, 4 one-on-one sessions, or coach approval are required to enter WOD training sessions.  

Schedule / Fees  
Weekdays at 6am, Noon, 4:30pm, 5:30pm and 6:30pm  
$150/month-to month or $120/month on a draft * (Attend any open WOD during the month)

Team WOD
Team up to take on grittier challenges like rocks, tires, sleds, and other implements of ergonomically unsound real life destruction, once again in CrossFit-style.

Saturday at 9am

Fit Club also offers one on one personal training.

Schedule / Fees for individual instruction/coaching
$500/10 - 1 hr sessions or $60/hr  
$300/10 - half hour sessions or $35/half hour  
Unlimited one on one sessions each month $550/month on a draft*  

* Draft: this option requires a 6 month commitment - fees are drafted on the 1st or 15th of each month from a credit or debit card. 30 day notice to cancel.