James C. is a proud new member of the muscle-up club. And not only did he get his first one, but he also cranked them out for reps once he had the hang of it. I see the classic WOD 30 MUs for time in the near future...
For those of you who don't know what a muscle-up is, check out this video for one of the smoothest, strongest MUs you will ever see. Ours look just a *little* different, with rather more swinging and less grace. But then, if you wanted aesthetics and beauty, you would do gymnastics; you want the practical and general, so you do Crossfit with us, and get some useful gymnastics out of the deal. So what exactly is that useful element in this particular movement? Essentially, you're taking your body from below something, pulling yourself up over it and doing the top piece of a dip to get yourself on top of it, which translates to getting over walls, onto roofs, through windows, etc. Great if you're a soldier, traceur, cat burglar, cop, or cynophobe.
As you start inching your way up to 15 consecutive pull-ups and 15 consecutive dips, you will start to see some muscle-up progressions being thrown in the mix...
Great Job James!!